Select Bibliography - Mark Hobart
2020. Don't Panic! Reflections on crisis, criticism and media. Prolegomenon to a research programme.
2020. The transformable Balinese body. Paper for SOAS research project Matemahan-Transformation.
2019. Six impossible things before breakfast: the imaginary world of media studies. Research seminar paper, Centre for Global Media and Communication, SOAS (originally given October 2017).
2019. Everything you didn’t want to know about research *(and were afraid to ask). Paper to Plenary session, 14th. Graduate Forum, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore.
2019. How South East Asians argue. Keynote address to 14th. Graduate Forum, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore. Lecture video: Part 1; Part 2.
2019. How Balinese argue. Jurnal kajian Bali (Journal of Balinese studies) 9, 1: 1-34.
2017. It’s fine to pull his head off… (final version); Murder is fine (conference paper); EuroSEAS 2017 Conference, University of Oxford.
2017. Bali is a battlefield; or the triumph of the imaginary over actuality. Jurnal Kajian Bali 7, 1: 187-212.
2016. Of Popes and soaps: on argument, authority and audiences. Second Symposium on How Indonesians Argue, Oxfordshire July 2016.
2016. Talking to God: on argument, agency and articulation in Bali. Second Symposium on How Indonesians Argue, Oxfordshire July 2016.
2015. Beyond words: some thoughts on how Balinese argue. First Symposium on How Indonesians Argue, Oxfordshire July 2015.
2015. How Indonesians argue: background paper. First Symposium on How Indonesians Argue, Oxfordshire July 2015.
2015. Beyond the Whorfs of Dover: a study of Balinese interpretive practices. Heidelberg ethnology. Occasional paper.
2013. Live or dead? televised theatre and its audiences in Bali. Faculti Media interview.
2013. When is Indonesia? In Rethinking Asian media and film. ed. M. Hobart, Special issue of The Asian Journal of Social Science, Brill.
2013. Introduction. Rethinking Asian media and film. ed. M. Hobart, Special issue of The Asian Journal of Social Science, Brill.
2013. What's new? an exercise in hyporeality. Address to APSS 3rd. Postgraduate Students Conference on Novelty/Theory, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Sept. 2013.
2011. The relevance of cultural and media studies to theatre and television in Bali. Jurnal Kajian Bali 1:, 2: 63-75.
2011. Bali is a brand: a critical approach. Jurnal kajian Bali 1, 1: 1-26.
2011. Live or dead? Televised theatre and its audiences in Bali. In Genre in Asian film and television: new approaches. eds. F. Chan et. al. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 13-32.
2010. A very peculiar practice (video) Inaugural lecture, SOAS, University of London. Text version.
2010. What do we mean by ‘media practices?’ In Anthropological perspectives on media and practice. eds B Bräuchler & J. Postill, Oxford: Berghahn, 55-75.
2010. Media as practice: a brief exchange. In Theorising media and practice. eds. B. Bräuchler & J. Postill, Oxford: Berghahn, 77-82. See the full unpublished exchange (Preamble; Couldry - Media, practice and power; Hobart - If only practice were so easy).
2010. Rich kids can’t cry: reflections on the viewing subject in Bali. Special issue Audiencing: the Work of the Spectator in Live Performance. About Performance 10: 199-222.
2008. The Prince of Nusa’s vow - English translation, Original Balinese text (unpub.)
2007. Round up the usual suspects: some radical implications of Indonesian and Euro-American media coverage of ‘terrorist’ attacks. In Media and Political Violence. eds. H. Nossek, P. Sonwalkar & A. Sreberny, Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 183-209.
2007. Rethinking Balinese dance. In M. Cohen, A. Lopez y Royo and L. Nozlopy, Indonesian performing arts in a transnational context, special issue of Indonesia and the Malay World, 35: 107-28.
2007. Black umbrellas: labelling and articulating development in the Indonesian mass media. In Labelling people: how and why our categories matter. eds. R. Eyben & J. Moncrieffe, London: Earthscan, 128-42.
2006. Just talk? anthropological reflections on the object of media studies in Indonesia. Asian journal of social science 34, 3: 492-519.
2006. Introduction: why is entertainment television in Indonesia important? In Entertainment media in Indonesia. eds. M. Hobart & R. Fox, special edition of Asian journal of communication 16: 4.
2006. Entertaining illusions: how Indonesian élites imagine imagine reality TV affects the masses. In Entertainment media in Indonesia. eds. M. Hobart & R. Fox, special edition of Asian journal of communication 16: 4: 393-410.
2005. The profanity of the media. In Media Anthropology. Eds. E. Rothenbuhler & M. Coman, London: Sage, 26-35.
2004. Here’s looking at you kid! undecidability and the object of the gaze in Indonesian television advertising. Originally presented as a seminar paper to the Department of Anthropology, Harvard Univ. April 2004.
2002. Lances greased with pork fat: imagining difference in Bali - with Introduction. In Imagined Differences: hatred and the construction of identity. ed. G. Schlee, Hamburg & London: LIT Verlag, 101-22.
2002. Live or dead? Televising theatre in Bali. Media worlds: anthropology on new terrain. eds. F. Ginsburg, L. Abu-Lughod & B. Larkin. Berkeley & Los Angeles: Univ. of California Press.
2001. Drunk on the screen: Balinese conversations about television and advertising. In Asian Media Productions. ed. B. Moeran, London: Routledge Curzon, ISBN 0700713344; also Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
—& Pujawati, M. 2001. Arja: theatre where women rule. Seleh notes 8, 3: 1, 8-10.
2001. Loose canons: commentary as the missing object in Indonesian media studies. Symposium on Media Cultures in Indonesia. Univ. of Leiden, April 2001
2000. After culture. anthropology as radical metaphysical critique. Yogyakarta: Duta Wacana Press.
2000. The end of the world news: television and a problem of articulation in Bali. International journal of cultural studies, Vol 3, 1, 79-102. Unpublished original version with additional Afterword on Laclau v Hall on articulation.
2000. Live or dead? how dialogic is theatre in Bali? In To change Bali: essays in honour of I Gusti Ngurah Bagus. eds. A. Vickers & Ny. Darma Putra with M. Ford, Denpasar: Bali Post.
1999. As they like it: overinterpretation and hyporeality in Bali. In The problem of context. ed. R. Dilley, Oxford: Berghahn, 105-144.
1999. Is development studies really part of media studies? - with Introduction. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde Tagung, Ethnologie und Entwicklungsforschung Die Ethnologie und ihre Nachbardisziplinen. Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg October 1999.
1997. The missing subject: Balinese time and the elimination of history. Review of Indonesian and Malaysian Studies. 31, 1: 123-172.
1997. For the motion. In Cultural studies will be the death of anthropology. ed. P. Wade, Manchester: GDAT, 12-21 & 63-65.
1997. The subject of ‘The Subject’: reconsidering some problems in studying non-Western media. Paper to the workshop on The subject of the Subject in media studies. SOAS, 1997.
1996. Ethnography as a practice, or the unimportance of penguins. Europaea II-1: 3-36.
1995. Engendering disquiet; or is there kinship or gender in Bali? In ‘Male’ and ‘female’ in Southeast Asia. ed. W.J. Karim, Oxford: Berg.
1995. As I lay laughing: encountering global knowledge in Bali. In Counterworks: managing the diversity of knowledge. ed. R. Fardon, ASA Decennial Series, London: Routledge, 49-72.
1995. After anthropology: a view from too near. Paper to the Anthropology Department seminar SOAS, October 1995.
1994. Changing audiences: representations of development and religion on Balinese television. Paper to the Panel on Asian Media, Asian Studies Association of Australia Biennial Conference: 13-16 July 1994, Asia Research Centre, Murdoch University, Perth.
1994. Consuming passions? overinterpreting television-viewing in Bali. Paper to Symposium on Changing life-styles in Asia: consumption/ media/religion in contemporary India and Indonesia. International Institute of Asian Studies, Leiden, 19-21 December 1994.
1993. Introduction: the growth of ignorance? In An anthropological critique of development: the growth of ignorance? ed. M. Hobart, London: Routledge.
1992. Beyond reason? a human comedy. Sociaal-antropologische cahiers. No. 25, Nijmegen: Instituut voor Culturele en Sociale Antropologie.
1991. The windmills of criticism: on understanding theatre in Bali. unpublished paper.
1991. The art of measuring mirages, or is there kinship in Bali? In Cognation and social organization in Southeast Asia. eds. F. Hüsken and J. Kemp, Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal, Land- enVolkenkunde 145, Leiden: K.I.T.L.V. Press: 33-53.
1991. Criticizing genres: Bakhtin and Bali. In Voice, genre, text - anthropological essays in Africa and beyond. eds. P. Baxter & R. Fardon, Manchester: Bulletin of the John Ryland Library, Univ. of Manchester 73, 3, 195-216.
1990. Who do you think you are? the authorized Balinese. In Localizing strategies: regional traditions of ethnographic writing. ed. R. Fardon, Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press and Washington: Smithsonian Institute, 303-38.
1990. The patience of plants: a note on agency in Bali. Review of Indonesian and Malaysian affairs 24, 2: 90-135.
1990. Discerning disorder: is it really there? Paper to EIDOS conference on Giving disorder its due: studying social change and development. Amsterdam.
1987. Summer’s days and salad days: the coming of age of anthropology. In Comparative anthropology. ed. L. Holy, Oxford: Blackwell, 22-51.
1987. The elixir of mortality. (Unpub. paper to the EIDOS workshop on The economy as a system of meaning, University of Bielefeld.
1986. Introduction. In Context, meaning, and power in Southeast Asia. eds. M. Hobart & R.H. Taylor, Ithaca, New York.: Cornell Southeast Asia Program, 7-19.
1986. Thinker, thespian, soldier, slave? assumptions about human nature in the study of Balinese society. In Context, meaning, and power in Southeast Asia. eds. M. Hobart & R.H. Taylor, Ithaca, New York.: Cornell Southeast Asia Program, 131-56.
1986. A peace in the shape of a durian. Unpub. paper to KITLV international workshop on Balinese state and society.
1986. Metaphors and metaphysics in Balinese development. (Unpub. paper to EIDOS conference on Practice and policy transformation in development, Agricultural University of Wageningen.
1986. Review of G.E.R. Lloyd: Science, folklore and ideology. Man 21, 2.
1986. Review of T. van Dijk: Handbook of discourse analysis 4 vols. Man 21, 2.
1986. Review of Milton Singer: Man’s glassy essence: explorations in semiotic anthropology. Man 21, 2.
1985. Is God evil? In The anthropology of evil. ed. D.J. Parkin, Oxford: Blackwell, 165-93.
1985. Anthropos through the looking-glass: or how to teach the Balinese to bark. In Reason and morality. ed. J. Overing, ASA Monographs in Social Anthropology 24, London: Tavistock, 104-34.
1985. Texte est un con. in Contexts and levels: essays on hierarchy. eds. R.H. Barnes, D. de Coppet & R.J. Parkin, J.A.S.O. Occasional Paper No. 4, Oxford: J.A.S.O., 33-53.
1985. Violence and silence: some limits in the anthropological understanding of Bali. Paper to conference on Violence as a social institution, University of St. Andrews.
1984. Understanding a thing: some problems in Balinese naming. Paper to the University of London Intercollegiate Seminar in Anthropology.
1983. Through Western eyes, or how my Balinese neighbour became a duck. Journal of the Indonesia circle. 30: 33-47.
1983. Review of Clifford Geertz: Negara: the theatre state in nineteenth-century Bali. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. 1983, 1: 150-2
1983. Review of Wazir-Jahan Karim: Ma’ Betisék concepts of living things. Bulletin SOAS 46, 2.
1983. Review of Sven Cederroth: The spell of the ancestors and the power of Mekkah: a Sasak community in Lombok. Bulletin SOAS 46, 2.
1982. Is interpretation incompatible with knowledge? The problem of whether the Javanese shadow play has meaning. The interpretive study of Java. Second Bielefeld Colloquium on South East Asia, Univ. of Bielefeld, pp. 1-21.
1982. Meaning or moaning? an ethnographic note on a little-understood tribe. In Semantic anthropology. ed. D.J. Parkin, London & New York: Academic Press, 39-63.
1979. A Balinese village and its field of social relations. 2 vols, Ph.D. thesis in the Univ. of London.
1979. Review of Koentjarningrat: Anthropology in Indonesia: a bibliographical review. Bulletin SOAS 42, 1.
1978. The path of the soul: the legitimacy of nature in Balinese conceptions of space. In Natural symbols in South East Asia. ed. G.B. Milner, London: S.O.A.S, 5-28.
1978. Padi, puns and the attribution of responsibility. In Natural symbols in South East Asia. ed. G.B. Milner, London: S.O.A.S.,55-87.
1977. Review of Hildred Geertz & Clifford Geertz: Kinship in Bali - with Postscript. Bulletin SOAS, 40, 1..
1976. Review of R.H. Barnes: Kédang: a study of the collective thought of an eastern Indonesian people. Bulletin SOAS.
1975. Orators and patrons: two types of political leader in Balinese village society. In Political language and oratory in traditional society. ed. M.E.S. Bloch, London & New York: Academic Press, 65-92.
1975. Review of Erik Jensen: The Iban and their religion. Bulletin SOAS, 38, 3.
1974. Are aristocrats pigs? some Balinese uses of animal symbolism. Indonesia circle 5: 18-21.
1969. If you can keep your head: an analysis of Torajan headhunting. Unpublished paper.
1969. The Javanese Ludrug play reconsidered: a review of James Peacock's Rites of Modernization. Unpublished paper.